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All massages with our hands, stones, shells, and  minerals it is a art. The energy that the human being can generate is very powerful. 

Hot Stone massage

Hot stone massage is a natural therapy in wich warmed stones are positioned on parts of the body and help your muscles to relax, help to releive pain caused by tense muscles, stiff joints or injuries, improved circulation: the heat from the stones penetrates into deeper body tissues, your blood vessels open, resulting in improved circulation. Mental benefits: help ease some of your mental stress ans tension and may also help you  combat some of the symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression.

Lava shells

The sea shells are made of calcium carbonate and 100% natural. This is the same substance that strengthens our bones and teeth.

Releive the deepest aches and pains, stress and tession, and improved circulation with this revolutionary and unique full body massage and heal itself wich uses the natural benefits of heated Tiger Clam Shells from the Tropical.



Reiki is a Japanese thechnique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. A treatement feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you, in your body emotions, mind and spirit. It also help to restoring and balancing your body natural energy to encourage better health.

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